Adult Ministries/Outreach
Oversee Adult Ministries including small groups
Oversee Outreach Events
Assist the senior pastor with shepherding duties such as funerals, weddings, and hospital visits
Necessary Requirements
Ability to teach and preach
Theological /ministry training
Skilled at delegating (we want other people involved more than we want a one man show)
Ability to organize and lead
Ability to work well with others in a team environment
Possess doctrinal beliefs consistent with those of Eagleville Bible Church.
Possess a track record of success in ministry, work and relating well with people.
Character Traits
Love for God and others
Team Player
Passion for disciple making
Passion for the lost
Hard Working
Task Oriented
Service oriented
Sense of humor
Love for unchurched, irreligious, and even anti-religious people
Specific Duties
* Regularly attend church services
* Abstain from alcohol
* Attend major church events
Eagleville Bible Church is looking for a man to lead us in small groups and outreach. Our church family exists to help others experience a great life in Christ and we are seeking the right person to carry this vision to our county and beyond! If you have a heart to connect churched and un-churched to Christ, this may be a position for you. We are also looking for someone who has the ability to communicate God’s word clearly to the church and community.
We are a growing church in rural northeast Ohio about an hour east of Cleveland, OH and an hour west of Erie, Pa. We have 600-800 worshiping with us on Sunday mornings! Eagleville is a friendly, non-judgmental, come as you are place. We are passionate about teaching the Bible in a relevant way, connecting with others through small groups, loving people, and serving in our church and community.
We are looking for someone to partner with us in reaching our county for Christ. We need a good leader who believes in hard work, team work, and God’s work in our world! We are searching for a creative self-starter who will follow God’s guidance in making a true eternal difference in the lives of others. We crave a man of integrity who is relatable, task oriented, and capable of clearly communicating biblical truth.